A Special Comment (Bible Verses and My Thoughts)


May 25, 2014


Glorify God give thanks to Him call upon Him when you need help.  Make known His deeds.


Today is a lovely day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. We should be thankful in God's creation.  God made all of creation for us to live and enjoy with him.  How wonderful he is.


Sing unto Him, worship the Lord.




March 10, 2015


Let us love one another as God loves us.  Let us do good to one another. Let us continue in our fellowship with one another encouraging one another for the return of the Lord is near.




March 19, 2015


Acts 7:56


Watching for the return of our Lord.

The Continental Divide Colorado
The Continental Divide Colorado













April 21, 2016


Winter is almost over and spring will blossom.  


We should be thankful to our Lord for our seasons.  Each season is for a reason.  


Spring time is beautiful with all the flowers in bloom. People start planting seeds for the years harvest.


We should thank the Lord for the beautiful flowers and for our fruitful harvests.


The Lord provides not just at Thanksgiving but all the year through.


Read Psalms 66:5










November 24, 2016


The beautiful colors and tastes of Thanksgiving.   What a blessing food from the harvest of the Lord.  Let us be thankful this day and everyday for all that He has given us.


Read a Thanksgiving Psalm in God's word and take time to reflect on the goodness that the Lord has blessed us with.