Rapture/First Resurrection (Bible Verses and My Thoughts)


May 23, 2014


Matthew 13:37-4


2 Thessalonians 2:12


The above describe the rapture (taken) not before. The wicked and even him will be revealed after the rapture.




March 13, 2015


Just like in the days of Noah.  Nothing will happen until the day of the rapture. Examples given to us are about how it will be are Lot and Noah. The minute they were brought to safety by the Lord a major event took place. 



March 15, 2015


Matthew 24:38-39



October 10, 2016


John 11:1-45


We to will be released from our present bonds and be resurrected to eternal life for them that believe in Him.


Revelation 11:15 


The seventh trumpet is blown and our resurrection.


Revelation 12:1 


A review of the birth of the Lord and His history is given.


Revelation 16:1


The pouring out of the bowls of wrath.


Note:  It is possible that about 2000 years later on September 23, 2017 the sign of Revelation 12:1 appearing in the heavens could be the day of the rapture and God's wrath being poured out.

January 17, 2022, Monday

Revelation 4:1, 4:4  Crowned Elders

Revelation 7:4-17 Multitudes in White

Note:  Revelation 6:16....wrath of the Lamb.

(1 Thessalonians 5:9)

Revelation 11:12 Two Witnesses

Revelation 14:14 Cloud Reapers

Note:  Revelation 16:1....vials of the wrath of God .... 

(1 Thessalonians 5:9)

The above verses are possible resurrection times according to believers.  I used to believe that it was going to be at the last trumpet number seven (or at end of the sixth).  Their has been much cotroversy over this in the past few years.  I have since changed my mind and have decided the best time according to my belief would be the multitudes in white.  The Bible verses of Revelation 7:4-17 has the best description of the resurrection multitudes.  This will put the resurrection to be taking place at the sixth seal.  We may be at present in the time of the fifth seal.  It's best to be prepared at all times.  May the Lord be with you all.

Galations 5:14-16