Revelation and the End (Bible Verses and My Thoughts)


Note: The following is a past belief I had when the resurreçion would occur.  I have since changed my belief to be at the sixth seal. (See Rapture/First Resurrection in the menu for more details, dated January 1, 2022.)

June 5, 2013


At the sixth trumpet the Lord Jesus resurrected to heaven and took a seat at the right hand of God the Father.

What followed was a war between Michael and his angels and satan and his angels.  Satan and his angels were thrown down to the earth.  Woe to the inhabitants of the earth the Bible says. The angels then kill one third of mankind by fire, smoke and brimstone.  Because there is sulfur in volcanoes.


Revelation and the Rapture: 


My understanding - The rapture is next. Then the seven vials of Wrath, the judgment, and chapter 21 for the saved! 


Devastation of the earth. According to the following Bible verses the devastation of the earth is inevitable. We are all appointed to die once Hebrews 9: 27 some to the resurrection of the burning lake and others to everlasting life. Read Isaiah 24 :1 and 30:2. We will be tossed to and fro and burned until all are dead. All the trumpets will have been opened.   The plagues come in one day and one hour according to Revelation.   If you run from the noise you will fall into the trap if you run from the trap you will find a snare.  There will be no hiding from destruction. Jesus will be coming soon with His angels.  Read 2nd Thessalonians 1 :7 and Jeremiah 4:23-27.


The end of the world is upon us.  Less than 500 miles left until the pole shift .Read Matthew 13 :36 - 43. Hosea 6: 1 - 2. 1000 years like one day.  read revelation. 6 :12, 14 :14, 16 :11, and 20: 11 - 12. Get saved. Read Matthew 13 :39. Harvest is at the end of the world. Read Revelations 17:1. Judgement of Babylon. Read Revelation 18:8 - 10. In one day and in one hour her judgment (Babylon) has come. Read Revelations 16 :20 and 20: 11. Every island and mountain are moved  out of their places and the earth is fled away in the end. Read revelation 21 :01. The new heaven and earth for the saved.   Read John 6 :38 - 39. The Lord was in heaven.  We will be raised up at the last day. Read Jude 1 :14 - 15. The saints come with the Lord to execute Judgment.  Read Daniel 7::21 - 22. The Saints are overcome until judgment day.


The false prophet is ruled by apollyon and his angels. Apollyon/Abaddon is out of the abyss at the fifth trumpet to complete the short time left in Revelation 20:7.   NOTE:  Satan is under a new name.  There were also angels that were bound in the abyss in darkness when the earth was flooded.  This was when the first physical pole shift occurred, from the flood. 


Just some Bible references and thoughts to ponder:


Babylon I believe is all the unsaved after the first resurrection, resurrected to the judgmen bowls (Rev. 18:24 " all slain on earth ". )  Even Jesus himself said to the chief priests when He was questioned that the chief priest would see Him (Jesus) sitting at the right hand of God coming in the clouds of glory.


The time we are now in currently is waiting for the last one to be saved then the four angels at the Euphrates that are holding back the four winds will be loosed for that day and hour.  

The four winds, angels will bring destruction on the earth through plagues, fire, smoke and brimstone. Brimstone is sulphur which if not combined with anything burns blue.


Additional notes:


The Lord in the Bible uses the Earth, Sun, Moon and Stars in events. The destruction of 2.3 billion people could very well be by an earthquake. The Lord uses natural events to cause plagues. The great flood an earthquake at Jesus resurrection are good examples of what God can do.  


Bible references to ponder:


2nd Thessalonians 2 :08 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying deceivableness of righteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love the truth.


Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars to ponder:  In the Bible it says that the Sun will get seven times brighter then the moon shines like the sun before the Lord's return. 


Salvation is for everyone.


Turn to God, repent of your wickedness and accept what Jesus did at the cross for your sins. John 3 :16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.






Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars to ponder:


In the Bible it says that the Sun will get brighter.   Seven times brighter so the moon shines like the sun before the Lord's return.


Salvation is for everyone; turn to God and repent of your wickedness and accept what Jesus did at the cross for your sins.


John 3:16:  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.