Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, moon and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring.
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, moon and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring.
Signs: Sun-Moon-Stars (Bible Verses and My Thoughts)

Signs in the Sun:  Isaiah 24:23, 30:26.  Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Acts 2:20.
Signs in the Moon:  Isaiah 24:23, 30:26.
Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Acts 2:20.
Signs in the Stars:  Isaiah 13:10, Matthew 24:29, Mark13:25.
The sun continues to brighten burning carbon to becoming a red giant dwarf star.  It will reflect the moon's metal in the dust making the moon brighter.  The earth and stars are being affected by our sun.  The earth's core is heating up causing earthquakes and many other problems.  The rotation and gravity are affected.  The same problems are occurring to our planets in our solar system.  
2 Peter 3:10, 2 Peter 3:12 and Isaiah 24.
Isaiah 24:1.
According to scientific calculations the earth will physically flip over by spring of 2016.  I believe the day the earth flips will be the day of the rapture and the day of the seven bowls. 
Read:  John 6:39, 40, 44, 54.  John 11:24 and 12:48.    Revelations 18:8, 10, 17, 19.
January 30, 2016
Earthquakes are continuing today after a long night of fives over the whole earth.  My personal lunar and solar compass has flipped it had north at the top and is now at the bottom which leads me to believe that the magnetic poles may have flipped.  This would explain the earthquakes. In the past few weeks I noticed how bright our sunsets were red and pink. This can be an Aurora affect.  The planes seem to be flying straight up and down.  The clouds last year were compressed down towards the earth.  We had a magnetic pole shift.  We are getting closer to the Lord's return.  Get saved by Jesus our Lord and Savior before its to late.
March 17, 2016
Signs in the Earth:
Sinkholes are from gas.
April 26, 2016
The five magnetic size earthquakes continue along ring of fire as the subduction zone continues to move by shore of Chile.  The US is now getting more low level earthquakes from this.  San Francisco and surrounding areas has had about four in the last day.
My personal feeling Is that this does not look good.  California is getting more earthquakes along fault line.
I think the possibility of California getting a big one is quite high.
I don't know exactly how bad it will be when the Lord returns for the rapture but the earthquakes are more frequent and more severe just like birth pangs as it says in God's word.
Read I Thess. 5:3.




January 31, 2016


Read:  Jeremiah 31:35.




March 30, 2016 


Earthquakes are continuing in the 5's.

The Chile/Mexico earthquakes are reaching as far west as Hawaii and up the Colorado River to Nevada this past week.  If the strong earthquakes continue we may even see 6's by the end of the yesr.




June 6, 2016


Today as I watch the sun setting it went really fast to the west and stopped then it started going down fast in spurts.  From 5:45 p.m. until about 7:15 p.m. I watched this. I threw stones and it seemed that they went further.  My conclusion is that we are now in a physical pole shift. Our rotation is not holding. The sun is no longer holding us in place. Everyone gets saved. Jesus loves you.


Find the following verse in your Bible:  

(...rock it to and fro until all the inhabitants are scattered thereof...)


Read Mark 12: 2 througj 12: 12.




July 9, 2016


Romans 13:12 and 14:7-9.


Jesus is coming soon are you ready?

The Venus Jupiter Conjunction - August 27, 2016
The Venus Jupiter Conjunction - August 27, 2016

September 27, 2016


The sun has increased again in it's brightness in the past few months, this is the first time in at least six months.


The moon has now changed upon its rising in the past few months; the man on the moon now has a full face and is in the center of it.


The star Jupiter (the king star) arrived next to Virgos (virgins) womb on the 9th of September, 2016. On November 20, 2016 Jupiter will enter Virgos womb. Jupiter will then exit the womb on September 11, 2017 after a full human term of gestation unlike Jesus's Birth. Then on September 23, 2017 the sign of the virgo clothed with the sun and the moon under feet and on her head with 12 stars will appear.  The sign from Revelation 12:1.




October 25, 2016


The sun's brightness has increased this past month, since last year.  The moon changed this month also.  The man in the moon is now in the center when it rises.  Jupiter is on it's path to Virgo's womb. Get saved and be ready for the Lord's return.  Remember to watch for September 23, 2017 and the constellation of Virgo; the sign of Revelation 12:1 and a possible rapture on this day.  Let's hope this is the sign of the Lord's return and the resurrection of true believers.




November 7, 2016


The earthquakes are not stopping this may be the start of the end and the Lord's return.   Fives and sixes.   It started with Italy about a week ago.   Be prepared for the Lord's return I believe it is so near.   BELIEVE IN THE LORD JESUS AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED! 




July 15, 2017


The sign's in the Sun, Moon and Stars have steadly increased.  The sun has gotten hotter and even brighter recently.  The Moon reflects this and the Man in the Moon has tilted more and is rising in the southwest and setting in the northwest.  The stars are joining in conjunctions leading up to the Revelation 12:1 sign on September 23, 2017.  Be ready and be prepared. Jesus is coming soon to take from the world His own.  Their is only one bride and one bridegroom.  So be ready now.   

February 12, 2018

READ:  The story of the 153 fishes in the Bible. 

Their will be 153 days from September 23, 2017 until Palm Sunday on March 25, 2018.  I thought this was interesting.   May the Lord bless you as we prepare for the Easter celebration! 

January 12, 2020

Ecclesiastes Chapter 12 (KJV)

(My thoughts on Ecclesiastes Chapter 12)

The evil days are coming when their will be no pleasure in them. The sun, the light, the moon, the stars will be darkened.  People will tremble and bow themselves.  People that work will cease because their are few.  People's houses will be dark inside. People will keep their doors shut when the sound of the grinding is low (Stellular Cores? (stars)).  People will play their music low.  People will be afraid of that which is high.  People's fears will be in the way.  Almond trees shall flourish while grasshoppers become a burden. People's desires shall fail as people die and mourn in the streets.  When everything is broken (earthquakes?).  Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the Spirit return unto God who gave it