Would You Like To Be Saved?

Salvation Prayer


June 7, 2013  


Father in Heaven,


I am sorry for all my sins and I accept what Jesus did on the cross for me.

Please come into my heart and take over my life, thank you.  I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.


Welcome to the family of God!  


This simple prayer is life changing.  When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are now baptized with the spirit of God and the Spirit of the Antichrist which is Satan cannot take the Spirit of God away from you.  the Spirit of God is now one with you forever.  If you die you will immediately go to be with the Lord in paradise.


For others that do not choose to accept the Truth and the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior, then the spirit of Satan resides in your spirit and if you die you will suffer in torment awaiting judgment.  Note: Hell is real. Judgment for the unsaved is eternal separation from God's love and being tormented forever.  Please think about this.  This is your life.  You have a choice to live in heaven or the burning lake.  God does not want anyone to perish.


A few basic instructions; pray, read God's Word and find a good bible teaching church.


I hope you will visit this ministry while attending your local church.


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